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Best linux server for website hosting suggest linux server for hosting your website with 5 or more web pages. Linux servers are very reliable in many ways. Linux server supports php, HTML, flash, cron jobs etc., Php is a server side coding it can be used to create a lot of dynamic websites
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Company Name : 100mb hosting webspace : 100mb emails : 20 Bandwidth : 1gb / month Price / Cost : Rs.500 Domain Registeration : Rs.500. The best cheap offer of a web hosting company with good reliable fast server and linux platform . The cheap offer that helps you make a website for just Rs.1000…
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Cheap hosting doesn’t always mean unreliable hosting. We have made some research, and listed for you the best options to host your website. You can read some cheap web hosting reviews so you can decide about your web hosting provider. This is a forum where all the hosting companies can place their details about their…